Mr. Vigorito works with clients concerned about their sexual health including consensual sexual behavior problems, sexual disorders, unconventional erotic interests and sex-drug linked behaviors. Mr. Vigorito has specialized training and experience treating co-occurring disorders (e.g. mental illness and chemical dependency), domestic violence, mindfulness and clients living with HIV/AIDS. Additionally, he completed post-licensure group psychotherapy and sexual health training at the Sexual Dependency Institute of San Diego.
Along with providing psychotherapy, Mr. Vigorito is a sexual health consultant and trainer. As the No Wrong Door Consultant for Behavioral Health System Baltimore, Mr. Vigorito is connecting public mental health services with infectious disease systems of care and transforming routine practice to include sexual health conversations and interventions. Mr. Vigorito also offers local and national workshops for mental health providers and consumers on various sexual health topics, including out of control sexual behavior assessment and treatment, psychotherapy with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients and integrating sexual health into psychotherapy (Please visit the events page for a complete list).
Mr. Vigorito is a member of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality and the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists.
Mr. Vigorito is licensed in the District of Columbia, Virginia and California as a Marriage & Family Therapist [DC LMFT000153; VA 0717001280, CA MFC41512], in Maryland as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counseling [LC5169] and is certified as a Group Psychotherapist through the American Group Psychotherapy Association.